Bring your project to life with interactive videos

Video is important in Web3 and DeFi advertising

Interactive videos can significantly elevate engagement and potentially enhance learning, expand opportunities for upselling and data collection, and improve conversion rates.

What Are
The benefits?



Encourage content interaction and hold the viewer’s attention longer with clickable hotspots, quizzes, menu buttons and much more.


Conversion rates

Increase conversion rates by guiding investors towards joining competitions or purchasing your subscription with the help of interactive sales funnels.


User Experience

Create a sense of intrigue and trust by allowing your viewers to decide what they want to see and by providing them with safe linksĀ  right in your video!


Social Sharing

Entice investors to share your videos by creating high-quality educational content where interactivity’s intrigue sets your content apart.


Data collection

Gather valuable data about your viewers’ interests and preferences by including forms, surveys and sales funnel mechanisms in your videos.



Enhance trust and transparency by including direct links to official websites in your interactive videos, safeguarding investors from scams.

View examples
of previous work

Interactive how-to videos

LonelyFans interactive video

Multiple videos within one

Project Specifications:

Name: LonelyFans (NSFW)
Number of topics: Three
Other specs:
- Links to safe sites embedded
- Third-party voice-over as requested by the client for branding
- The seek bar has been removed to enforce interactivity
- In-built main menu
- In-built secondary menu throughout the entire video

CrowFi interactive video

Engagement via vivid imagery

Project specifications:

Name: CrowFi
Number of topics: Three
Other specs:
- Links to safe sites embedded
- The seek bar is not removed
- The video is spliced into tiny sections which allows for short "hopping" while keeping viewers engaged with interactivity
- Main menu, but no secondary menu

Liquidus logo introduction video

Sometimes simplicity is all you need

Project specifications:

Special notice: This is a very old interactive video, but showcases the basics very well.

Name: Liquidus
Number of topics: One
Other specs:
- Links to safe sites embedded
- Has an interactive outro for ease of navigation to safe sites

Interactive outros

Liquidus outro video

Interactivity brings safety

Project: Liquidus

To make sure investors do not buy scam tokens, get attacked via phishing sites or visit scammer's Telegram groups or other socials, you can add an interactive outro to your video with direct links to your official sites.

This same technique can also be used to entice viewers to view other videos, take part in quizzes or tasks, such as Twitter sharing for prizes and much more.

Already know what you want?
Contact me today!

Ready to make a lasting impression on investors by leveraging the power of video?
Contact me today via Telegram, email or Whatsapp!

To protect my email from bots, please copypaste the email address below and replace the (at) with @, thank you.
